So, are you ready for 2025?
With Christmas just a few days away, (how did that happen?), we’ll soon be focusing on plans, goals, and resolutions for the new year.
Resolutions get a bad rap as they are soon forgotten. So, let stick with words like “plan” and “goal”. Hopefully that will help.
Here are my top ten plans and goals for 2025:
- Consistent blog posts
- More IG posts
- Publish at least three (3) YouTube videos each week
- Using my paper planner, write down EVERYTHING that needs to be done
- Eat more salads with a variety of fruits and vegetables
- Walk, walk, and walk some more
- Stop buying craft supplies; use what I have
- Celebrate every day as a gift
- Put things back when I’m done with them
- Clean out closets and drawers

More Consistent Blog Posts
Thinking, planning, and dreaming about blogging doesn’t make it happen.
You have to sit in the chair, open the website and type and type and use your mouse and type some more.
I’ve always had a knack for writing, so blogging is easy for me — when I set down and do it.
My plan for 2025 is to post at least three (3) articles each week.
I have a ton of ideas, so as long as I put in the work, this should be a no-brainer. Stay tuned.

More IG Posts
Creating Instagram posts, reels, and stories need to be a priority for me in the new year.
My paper crafting creations will be featured on IG as in the past; I just want to put out MORE content than ever before.
Not to sound selfish but I want more followers and more engagement with my followers.
I will also be giving away free items on Instagram in 2025. If you’re not already following me, I would love to have you join the community.

Publish at Least Three YouTube Videos Each Week
I’m still learning my way around the YouTube universe. Hey, there’s a LOT to learn!
Figuring out the camera and the orientation of the camera was a learning curve, for sure. I think I have that behind me now.
It will be a matter of planning the video, gathering all the necessary supplies and then hitting the ‘record’ button.
My videos are unedited, so once I hit the ‘stop’ button, I can just upload the video, fill in some details and then, BOOM!, we’re done.
Speaking of planning, let me know if there’s a topic that you’d like me to cover in a video. I’m open to suggestions.

Using my Paper Planner, Write Down EVERYTHING that needs to Get Done
This one should be pretty easy. I do a good job of keeping up with things by using my paper planner.
I can (and will) do better in 2025.
Typically, I use ONE planner for work + personal tasks.
It’s easier just to go to one place and see everything that needs to happen. Same thing with a calendar. Although, I’m using a separate calendar for social media posts, etc.

Eat More Salads with a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables
Yes. I had to have at least one health-related goal for 2025.
Have you ever stopped to think just how food is such a large part of our lives?
I need to make better choices and salads seem to be a good way to do that.
Having all the ingredients in the refrigerator will make it easier to keep up with this goal.
I just need to plan and shop for all the things I like. Bag lettuce, Roma tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, cooked ham, olives, shredded cheese, and salad dressing.
Should be able to make this happen.

Walk, Walk, and Walk Some More
This one is going to be a tough one.
Exercise has never been a big part of my life. Sad. I know.
Now in my early 60s, I REALLY need to keep moving.
Walking is the easiest and safest way for me to exercise, so I just need to do it.
I have lots of opportunities to walk — walking the dog and walking with my wife.
Stop Buying Craft Supplies; Use What I Have

Shopping — both in-store and online is one of my favorite things to do.
And I swear, if Hobby Lobby doesn’t have it, I probably do. And that’s no lie.
I have enough paper and ribbon and glue and cardboard and trinkets and tools and paper trimmers to last a lifetime.
It’s going to be challenging, but my goal is to use what’s in my stash. I should be fine.
Stay tuned for the results.

Celebrate Every Day as Gift
Why? Because it IS a gift.
And it’s up to me to take that gift and make the most of it.
My plan is to say, “Thank you God for another day” each time I wake up in the morning.
I pledge to use every moment as wisely as possible.
Whether is working the full-time job or creating something in my craft room, I will be focused and intentional about what I’m doing.

Put Things Back when I’m Done with Them
Ask my wife about this one. I seem to be really bad at putting things away when I’m finished using them.
Clothes. Tools. Coffee cups. Craft supplies. The list is never-ending.
You’ll notice that ‘declutter’ is not on my 2025 list of goals. But…this is as close to that as it gets.
As my wife says, “You can’t clean clutter”. And she’s right.
I’m not a toddler. I need to do WAY better at this.

Clean Out Closets and Drawers
I have stacks of clothes in my closet. And outside my closet.
There are clothes that haven’t seen the light of day for a long, long time.
Why? Because I’m lazy and I figure that someday I will wear that shirt or shorts or pants.
Probably. Not.
It’s time to get aggressive and go through the entire closet (and set of drawers) to determine what I really wear and what can be donated.
I know I will feel so much better when there is space between the clothes that hang in my closet.
And, I’m really tired of those stacks of clothes lying around. Yes — this is another one of those topics that is SO-closely related to the ‘clutter’ topic.